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Each month we bring together experts and advocates in gifted education to fulfill four goals: 1) increase awareness of research, 2) professional development and networking, 3) parent support and community-building, and 4) advocacy at local, state and national levels. Register now!
"This is the work of a lifetime."
When my first client shared this with me during one of our sessions, I was stunned. She was completely and utterly correct. There has been no greater work than my own journey of waking up to become a better spouse and parent.
As a professional coach, I support people to get results using a proven process that works, even for those who have tried everything else. As a scientist, writer and artist who values movement and nature, I tend to see things from an unusual perspective. And as a military spouse and mother of two boys, I get chaos.
My own life has been transformed, and it is my privilege to support you in the work of a lifetime, whatever that is for you. I work with intense, high-performing athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, executives, young adults, military spouses - people from all walks of life who want more.
When I founded Artemis Professional Coaching, it was with the intent to keep 30% of my practice pro bono to ensure access for all who want to change their lives. Your donation toward the strategy session, should you decide to contribute, supports these scholarships. Thank you!
​Coaching practice draws heavily on cognitive behavioral therapy, but I am also curious about how faith practice, positive psychology, and Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration can support sensitive, intelligent and intense souls on their journey of self-discovery and conscious living.
I have more than 400 hours of continuing professional education and have completed additional certification programs, such as Positive Intelligence(R) and ADHD executive function coaching for neurodivergent students to help me serve as a powerful coach for my clients.
What is your story? What do you wish you could do more of? What are you no longer willing to tolerate? Our partnership can be short-term and solution-focused, meeting you right where you are, right now. You may also choose to continue with a longer-term 6-12 month structured program that explores how we are being, not just what we are doing.
Start with a 30-minute strategy session to gain clarity on the changes you'd like to make.
Client Reflections on Transformation
Accepting Bookings for:
15 min
Free- Available Online
Discuss speaking, research or service delivery collaborations.
30 min
Free 15 min

Confidence: A professional coach partners with you to build awareness of your core values, develop an action plan, and hold you accountable until new patterns become habits, allowing you to be autonomous.
Results: I am committed to co-creating meaningful measures that chart your progress through a proven process. Just as you are accountable for putting in the work, I hold myself accountable by measuring progress and innovating the process.
Energy: Your energetic presence is shaped by your life experiences. To create a new reality, we will revise the algorithms of your subconscious by expanding your awareness and making conscious choices, not fear-based reflexes driven by past experience.