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"It's a place where I can connect with other neurodiverse people in a way that is authentic to who I am. Engaging with other women with goals is also very inspiring. This group brings people from different walks of life together whose experiences are very helpful—it's a really!"

bringing people together for what matters most in your life

"I appreciate that this group inspires me to flip all these ideas in my head into some kind of tangible action...and a sense of direction. I also enjoy the connection with people who have similar desires and experiences for conversation who I might not have otherwise met. Our paths just would not be likely to have crossed ordinarily."

FORUM Peer Support groups provide group support for what matters most in your life. When people who are working toward the same goals or handling similar challenges come together, the synergy is unmistakable. 


The following two groups are being facilitated by me:


- Unleashed: Thriving as a Neurodiverse Female Entrepreneur (space is limited, 2-3 spots currently open)




- Beyond Boundaries: Create a Positive Home for Neurodiverse Families (space is limited, join now)





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